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Las Vegas is the brightest city in the world as seen from?

These Marriott World of Rewards questions are becoming simpler and simpler and I’m losing the whole “what’s the next challenge” feeling. Yesterday they asked where Mozart was born, the day before what are people from Beunos Aires called. I mean c’mon, an online quiz has gotta be ridiculously tough to look up. Dunno what you guys feel. Anyway,

Today’s Question:

Las Vegas is the brightest city in the world as seen from?



It had to be either space or moon. It can’t be moon, because it’s too far away and the only man made structure seen from the moon is Great wall of China. Wikipedia confirms this. For those who thought about airplanes, there’s a rating of brightest cities as seen from airplanes and even in that listing, Las Vegas closely follows London.

Because Las Vegas is situated in the middle of nowhere, when aircrafts fly over Las Vegas, the pilots see a big blob of light in the middle of darkness. It’s not the same from space. Generally infrared or other technology is used to find which is the brightest city.

Las Vegas has heavy external lighting all through the strip and this Sin City is thus the brightest city in the World, when seen from space!

By cafearjun

I'm Arjun, live in London, UK, and ever since I've left India, I miss it even more. I'm an entrepreneur, a creator, and strive for new ideas. Have been lucky to put a few in place and make them work. This is a blog about everything I love and think about!

4 replies on “Las Vegas is the brightest city in the world as seen from?”

Ah, narrow escape, was about to enter Moon. Thanks for the post. Questions becoming easier? Not for the likes of me. 😀

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