a man's struggle Achievement

The art of making money – 17 Rules of Success

They say money attracts money. Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” says people who know the art of money making can start from nothing and make shit loads of money over and over again. The most read book in money making history by Napoleon Hill – “Think and Grow Rich” says the same. Paul McKenna’s  “I can make you rich” again repeats the same few fundamentals of getting rich.

So, are there actually rules of becoming rich? Let me first list the 17 rules of success by Napoleon Hill.

17 rules of success:

  1. Do you know what you want? Unless you figure out what you want from life and plan exactly how to, you’ll unsuccessfully drift through life. Having surety of purpose is something that all successful people share.
  2. The mastermind alliance: You cannot be successful alone. There have to be 2 or more brains working to achieve a common target.
  3. Faith – faith is the force that converts your desires into tangible processed results like money.
  4. The extra mile – Give more than what you need to, be generous when giving and humble while accepting.
  5. A pleasing personality is a combination of your thoughts, spirit and physical mannerisms and is the key to success.
  6. Personal initiative: This is the ability that very few people have – the ability to finish what’s started, to start what’s planned.
  7. Positive attitude – As in case of life in general, every project has its ups and downs. positive attitude helps one emerge a winner when other would quit, or give up hope. Positive attitude attracts success, negative attitude attracts failure.
  8. Burning desire: You can hear it in some people’s words, see it in their actions. Burning desire is enthusiasm or faith in action. It radiates and has the ability to persuade people to believe in you and your ideas.
  9. Self discipline: The art of controlling your desires, doing not what you want, but what needs to be done. It involves balancing the desires of your heart and the logic of your brain.
  10. Thought process: The power of thinking is the best reward or worst trait given to man. Use it wisely.
  11. Controlled attention: Keep your thoughts focused on the goal. People often get distracted or excited by something new. The challenge is to control your attention and maintain the focus.
  12. Voluntary teamwork: When you give in abundance, you receive people’s faith and support. This is unpaid, voluntary teamwork which is imperative for success.
  13. Defeat brings success. The art of accepting defeat, learning from it brings a man success. Accept defeat not to be disheartened, but to make it a stepping stone to success.
  14. Creative vision is not a skill that you’re born with. You develop creative thinking by being open, fearless and free. Be creative.
  15. Good health – Good health is important. Good health is often an image of your consciousness or the health of your spirit.
  16. Time and money are never available in excess to successful people. When you believe you have any one in excess, you’re going down the ladder, not up. It is the constant utilization of time and desire for money that makes a person monetarily successful.
  17. Habits, thoughts and deeds craft your life, the way you are, the way you think. Learn and strive to develop positive habits and thoughts and do good to self and others.

In my next post I’ll list the 13 secrets of success by Napoleon Hill.